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Develop and Deploy Digital Twin Models

Learn how to build, test, and deploy digital twin models with ease in the second video of the “Understanding ScaleOut Digital Twins” series. This video provides a step-by-step guide for creating and deploying digital twin models using ScaleOut Digital Twins™. You'll learn how to build a model with C#, Java, or business rules, test it using the ScaleOut Digital Twins workbench, and deploy it on ScaleOut’s in-memory computing platform. The video illustrates the development process with a smart gas sensor model that processes telemetry from gas sensors and sends alerts for dangerous levels of natural gas. It covers defining state and message properties, implementing message processing, and testing the model. Finally, see how to deploy the model using the ScaleOut Digital Twins UI and connect it to messaging hubs like Kafka for live monitoring.

Watch next: Examine Real-Time Data with Widgets and Queries