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Read documentation, download supplementary libraries and templates, and access support.



On-Premises Version


ScaleOut Digital Twins™ Management Console

This is the installer for the ScaleOut Digital Twins™ Management Console, version 5.0, for Windows. Please see User Guide here prior to extracting files.


ScaleOut Digital Twins™ Host Agent for Windows

This is the installer for the ScaleOut Digital Twins™ Host Agent, version 5.0, for Windows. Please see User Guide here prior to extracting files. Requires ScaleOut StreamServer® or higher.


ScaleOut Digital Twins™ Host Agent for Linux

This is the installer for the ScaleOut Digital Twins™ Host Agent, version 5.0, for Linux (Debian, RHEL7, or RHEL8). Please see User Guide here prior to extracting files. Requires ScaleOut StreamServer® or higher.


ScaleOut Digital Twin Builder™ Toolkit


Java Digital Twin Core Library

This repository contains a quick-start guide for building Java digital twin models for deployment in ScaleOut StreamServer and Java source code for the base classes used by digital twin models.

Git Repository

.NET Digital Twin Core Library

This package contains a quick-start guide for building .NET digital twin models for deployment in ScaleOut StreamServer and .NET source code for the base classes used by digital twin models.

NuGet Package

.NET Digital Twin Development Library

This package contains all necessary components for developing digital twin models and loading them into ScaleOut StreamServer for use in processing incoming messages from data sources.

NuGet Package

Digital Twin Project Templates for .NET

The Scaleout.DigitalTwin.Templates package provides project templates for creating Digital Twins using .NET Core. Documentation for the templates can be found here.

NuGet Package

Digital Twin Command-Line Management Tool

This .NET command-line tool manages the packaging and deployment of digital twin models. Documentation for the tool can be found here.

NuGet Package

.NET Azure IoT Hub Connector Library

This package contains all necessary components to connect ScaleOut StreamServer to Microsoft Azure IoT Hub for receiving and processing messages from data sources by instances of digital twin models deployed using ScaleOut Digital Twin Builder™.

NuGet Package

ScaleOut Digital Twin Builder™ Messaging Web Service for ScaleOut StreamServer™

This Docker image runs an instance of the ScaleOut Digital Twin Builder Messaging Web Service, which enables applications to use REST service calls to send messages to instances of digital twin models running within ScaleOut StreamServer.

Docker Image

ScaleOut Model Development Tool™

Windows-based graphical development environment, version 1.19, for building and testing rules-based real-time digital twin models.


ScaleOut Machine-Learning Training Tool™

Windows-based graphical development environment, version 5.0.0, for creating and evaluating machine-learning algorithms to be deployed with .NET digital twin models.


Java Model Generator Tool for Azure Digital Twins

Model generator tool for creating an Azure Digital Twins model definition from a Java real-time digital twin model. Version 2.1



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