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May 9, 2019
Come see us May 13-16 at the upcoming Internet of Things World show in Santa Clara, CA. We will be demonstrating real-time digital twins – a breakthrough new technique for analyzing IoT telemetry in real time. We would be delighted to show you real-time digital twins in action and explore how they could help implement real-time streaming analytics in your IoT application.
ScaleOut’s digital twin technology takes the digital twin concept well beyond its original application within product life-cycle management. Now digital twins can be used for stateful stream-processing, enabling deeper introspection than previously possible while simplifying the design process. Real-time digital twins enable automatic event correlation by data source, dynamic static tracking, pluggable analytics algorithms, aggregate analysis in real time, transparent scaling, and more. Object-oriented design techniques make them accessible to mainstream Java, C#, and JavaScript developers.
ScaleOut Software offers a full product suite for developing real-time digital twins, including the ScaleOut Digital Twin Builder™ software toolkit and the ScaleOut StreamServer® in-memory computing platform.