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Metro Magazine features CEO Bill Bain’s article: “Mitigating Train Derailments: Innovative Tech for Ensuring Rail Safety”

"Mitigating Train Derailments: Innovative Tech for Ensuring Rail Safety" explores how digital twin technology is being harnessed to tackle the growing problem of train derailments in the United States and worldwide. The article underscores the urgency of prioritizing rail safety as derailments continue to occur at an alarming rate, averaging three per day in 2022. ScaleOut CEO Bill Bain writes, "Ensuring rail safety should be a top priority for both passenger and freight operators, transportation agencies, and local and federal governments."

The article emphasizes that while current technology, such as "hot box" detectors, collects valuable data on rail conditions, it is not being fully employed to predict and prevent accidents. "What's needed is new technology that can harvest and analyze their data more effectively," Dr. Bain writes. Digital twins emerge as a game-changing solution, with the capability to monitor each railcar individually and instantly process telemetry data. As the article highlights, "With this data, digital twins can continuously look for abnormal trends and alert operators within seconds." By leveraging machine-learning techniques, these digital replicas can identify potential issues like overheated wheel bearings, offering a proactive approach to rail safety.

"Ensuring rail safety should be a top priority for both passenger and freight operators, transportation agencies, and local and federal governments."

Moreover, digital twins prove invaluable at rail intersections by preventing collisions. They monitor rail traffic in real time, using sensors such as hot box detectors, and can immediately alert personnel if a potential conflict is detected. The article notes, "They also can collect data about the pattern and frequency of crossing traffic to help predict the likelihood of a conflict as each train nears an intersection." The article calls for the proactive adoption of innovative technologies like digital twins, emphasizing their potential to save lives and reduce accidents, ultimately making rail travel safer and more efficient.